Information center
Information CenterDifferent diesel filter models cannot be used. Its functions are as follows: 1. The main function is to remove a small part of the water vapor in the diesel fuel tank and the mecha...
2021-07-26The air filtered by the air filter is mixed with fuel into a combustible mixture and burned in the cylinder. If there is no air filter element in the intake system, the air enterin...
2021-07-23How to turn on the oil filter: 1. Step 1: Run the engine to reach working temperature. Then use a jack to jack up the vehicle, pull up the hand brake and squeeze the front wheel wi...
2021-07-22When the filter element in the fuel filter has been seriously polluted by harmful substances, the color will turn black, so it must not be replaced. Otherwise, the fuel filter elem...
2021-07-21Start the car before changing the oil. Warm up the car for about 10 minutes, and the oil in the engine will heat up. The fluidity is better and it is easier to keep it clean
2021-07-20It is not recommended to reuse the air filter element. The air filter element is a kind of filter on the car. The main function of this filter is to filter out some impurities in t...
2021-07-19Generally, the gasoline filter element of a small car is divided into external and built-in gasoline filter elements. The external gasoline filter element is replaced every 20,000 ...
2021-07-16Diesel fine filters and fuel water separators generally discharge air from the fuel water separator