Air Filter, which acts on the engine intake system. An air filter is a device that removes particulate impurities from the air, consisting of a filter element and a housing. The filter generally uses a paper filter element.
Classification of air filters
Air filters are divided into two types: dry filters and wet filters.
Dry air filter is a filter that separates impurities from the air through a dry filter element. Filter element material, made of filter paper or non-woven fabric; The material of the filter housing is metal or plastic.
There are two types of wet air filters: oil immersed filters and oil bath filters. An oil immersed air filter is composed of an oil immersed filter element that separates impurities from the air. The filter element is made of metal wire fabric or foam material.
The oil bath air filter first guides the air into the oil pool to filter out some dust, and then further filters through the filter element. The oil bath filter is made of polyurethane materials, and some engine oil needs to be added dropwise during installation to prevent the adsorption of impurities in the air. When the filter element is not severely damaged, cleaning oil can be used for cleaning; When excessively stained, it is necessary to replace the filter element with a new one in a timely manner.
In general, the requirements for air filters include high filter efficiency, low flow resistance, and the ability to be used for a long time without maintenance.
The Importance of Automotive Air Filters
During the operation of an internal combustion engine, the air sucked in contains impurities such as dust, which can exacerbate the wear of parts and reduce the service life of the engine. Therefore, air filters must be equipped.
If the air filter is too dirty, it will prevent air from entering the cylinder, resulting in a rich mixture, incomplete combustion, and reduced power. When the air filter is not severely damaged, it can be cleaned before use. When the air filter is used for a long time, the filtering effect of the filter will be greatly reduced, and it is necessary to replace the filter in a timely manner.