The main function is to filter out impurities in gasoline:
1. The gasoline filter is a kind of fuel filter. The fuel filter includes both the gasoline filter and the diesel filter. Therefore, for gasoline vehicles, the fuel filter is the gasoline filter element;
2. Filter out harmful particles and moisture in the fuel gas system of the engine to protect the oil pump nozzle, cylinder liner, piston ring, etc., reduce wear and avoid blockage;
3. Remove the iron oxide, dust and other solid debris contained in the fuel to prevent the fuel system from clogging, especially the fuel injector. Reduce mechanical wear, ensure stable engine operation and improve reliability. When the engine is working, the fuel enters the sedimentation cup of the gasoline filter through the oil inlet pipe under the action of the gasoline pump. As the volume becomes larger and the flow rate becomes smaller at this time, the denser water and impurity particles will settle at the bottom of the cup, the impurities lighter than the oil will flow to the filter element with the fuel, and the clean fuel will penetrate into the inside of the filter element from the pores of the filter element, and then flow out through the oil pipe.
The gasoline filter needs to be replaced regularly. The consequences of not replacing it are as follows:
1. Over time, the filtering ability of the filter element will deteriorate. On the one hand, the gasoline filter element is blocked, which will affect the fuel pressure and cannot supply oil. On the other hand, some impurities in the oil will enter the fuel injector, valve valve, and cylinder, which will affect the normal operation of the engine;
2. If the gasoline oil used is of good quality, the service life of the gasoline filter element will be longer;
3. Always check to see if the filter element is dirty. If it is dirty, it needs to be replaced. If the gasoline filter element is dirty and not replaced, it will affect the normal fuel supply of gasoline, thereby affecting the normal performance of the car's power. In particular, it is important to remind that the water or impurities in the gasoline filter cup should be placed frequently, so as not to affect the oil quality entering the cylinder and the filter element to become dirty prematurely.