1. Dry inertia air filter maintenance
(1) Air filter with dust cup, when the dust in the dust cup reaches one-third of the cup volume, it needs to be removed
(2) For air filters with dust outlets, attention should be paid to removing dust from the outlet to keep it unobstructed
(3) Air filter with dust collection tray. Remove the dust collection tray during each maintenance, pour out the dust inside the tray, and brush the dust on the blades with a brush
(4) Air filters with dust collection rooms and cyclone dust removal tubes should be cleaned regularly with brushes to remove dust from the collection rooms.
2. Wet Inertia (Oil Bath) Air Filter Maintenance
(1) The wet inertia air filter requires the oil level to be located at the groove of the oil level indicator ring on the oil pan. The oil level is too low, and the filter cannot play a filtering role; Excessive oil level can easily cause carbon buildup, leading to abnormal engine operation
(2) Regularly change the engine oil and clean the oil pan.
3. Maintenance of filtered air filters
The last stage of the air filter is a filter type filter. The maintenance methods vary depending on the material and structure of the filter element.
(1) Metal mesh filter element. Clean with kerosene or diesel during maintenance, wait for excess oil to drip out before installation, and make sure to soak the oil before installing the filter
(2) Paper filter cartridge. Brushing or back blowing methods can be used to remove fine dust from the surface of the filter element