2016-09-30 View:
Oil filter is located in the lubrication system. With the complication of the inter combustion engine structure, the high quality of the lubrication ad the more kinds of additives, it appears new requirements for the filtration of the filters, at the same time, it adds new contents to the mating techniques of the filters.
1. The flow rate that comes through oil filter
There are four bases to confirm the mating flow rate of the oil filter, the flow rate statistics that the users need, the type, power and strengthen degree of internal combustion engine., the flow rate of oil pump and main oil path.
2. The using condition of the internal combustion engine
When using the internal combustion engine, different using condition will influence the oil temperature, oil pressure change in the lubrication system, that is the filter’s working condition.
When design the filters mating, it needs to check the specific working condition of the main engine and choose the filter structure that is suitable for usage. For example, for heavy loaded operation diesel engine, the oil filter needs to bear the high temperature for a long time, at this time the filter structure and filtration material should have enough mechanical strength and anti-high temperature.
While for light duty, low heavy load, the size of the filter should not be too big
3. The quality of the lubrication
quality of the lubrication has big influence on the normal working of oil
filter. When design the filter, it needs to add a metal wire predict element
before the element or the element in composite material, it can also have a
centrifugal filter in parallel in the lubrication system
4. The level of the operator of the internal combustion engine
filter, as the part that needs to maintain and change frequently, the changing
cycle is about 5000-10000 kilometers or about 150-250 hours. Among them, the technical
standard of the usage of internal combustion engine will influence of the
choice of filter structure.
5. The installing position in the internal combustion engine of the oil filter
When design filters, it needs to consider the filter’s installing position in the main engine, so that it can make the corresponding treatment in the filter structure. The installing style is mainly divided into upright, horizontal, handstand.
6. The connection of oil filter and oil cooler
Nowadays, the internal combustion engine is mostly use cooler to control the temperature of the lubrication, so when installing the filters, it need to pay attention to the connection with cooler.
7. The confirmation of the opening pressure of the bypass valve
oil filter must have by-pass valve, in case that the oil in the lubrication
system is blocked in the element so cause the damage of the engine.
8. The structure of the combined type of oil filter
The combined type of oil filter, which means in the lubrication system, it is the filtration style that overflow filter and shunt filter functioned together. The combined type of filter can improve the fineness of filtration and make the filtration more perfect.
9. The large flow rate of oil filter
The oil filter is usually installed in the side of the internal combustionengine, the diameter of filter will influence the width of the whole engine.
The oil filter of the stationary type of larger internal combustion engine is usually installed separatelywith the main engine, there is no limitation to the filter size. But from the angle of the production supply and usage management, it is a better choice to adopt the structure that many small elements in a large body.