2017-02-24 View:
the oil filter being used for a while, the element will accumulated a lot of
dust and metal particles and cause the blockage of the filter, which prevent
the normal working. At this time, it should replace the filter element
Modern car is widely used in overflow oil filter. This kind of filter has good filter efficiency, low oil flow resistance and will be used conveniently. This replacement is very easy.
1) The preparation of replacing filter. First it needs to mount the car high, which can make releasing the oil easy. Put the oil pan to the plug screw of the engine, take off the plug screw and release the oil
2) Dismounting the filter element. When the old oil in the oil pan plug screw hole finished releasing, it needs to use filter wrench to dismantle the filter element. When manage, take care and not make the oil flow everywhere, so that it can avoid making the engine and management environment dirty. Prepare the same element, paint a layer of oil on the o-ring element and use hand to screw the element tight.
Do not use filter wrench to screw it tight, so that it can avoid damaging the oring and cause oil leakage
Start the engine, in the idling condition, check whether there is any leakage, if there is leakage, it should take down the oil seal and exclude the oil leakage