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How to oil filter work

2017-02-20 View:

The working principle of the oil filter is generally divided into three types: mechanical separation, centrifugal separation and magnetic adsorption

Mechanical separation of oil filterfilter

It can be divided into three types: pure mechanical separation, overhead separation and adsorption separation.

Pure mechanical separation of a common filter, which is a certain aperture filter mechanical impurities and sludge, impurity particle size greater than the filter holes are blocked filter and filter.

Overhead separation means n small particles attached to the filter holes on the inner wall of the particles, and gradually increased, the filtration pore becomes smaller, the formation of the aerial phenomenon, filtered out of the particle size is less than the filter pore size. As the oil in most particle shape is irregular, so easy to form aerial phenomena. In addition to the colloidality the material in the oil, often adhesion formation in the inner wall of the filter surface adsorption or filtration holes.

The actual oil filter filter, in general, is not a single principle, and may be the combination of the above.

Centrifugal separation of oil filter

The oil passes through a high speed rotating rotor, so that the impurities in the oil are thrown to the inner wall of the rotor by centrifugal force, and then separated from the oil.

Oil filter magnetic adsorption
The magnetic force of the permanent magnet is used to adsorb the iron particles in the oil so as to prevent them from going back and forth in the oil lubricating system.

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