Information center
Information CenterThetechnicalindicatorsoffilterpapercanbemainlydividedintotwoaspects,oneisthefiltercharacteristicsoffilterpaper,andtheotheristhephysicalcharacteristics.Filtrationcharacteristicsincl...
2025-02-14The technical indicators of filter paper can be mainly divided into two aspects, one is the filter characteristics of filter paper, and the other is the physical characteristics. F...
2025-02-10The filter material is mainly composed of a filter layer and a support layer. Filter materials are mainly divided into: glass fiber paper (imported paper, domestic paper), plant fi...
2025-02-07Get started and get lucky Take it to the next level 2025 start work!
2025-02-06Filter, acts on the filtration of impurities. Generally divided into oil filters, fuel filters, air filters, air conditioning filters and so on. Fuel filters are divided into diese...
2025-01-22Filter sensor mainly refers to the special sensor device on the filter on the car, there are many types, the most common temperature sensor, concentration sensor, rotation sensor, ...