Information center
Information CenterWhenperformingroutinemaintenanceoncars,airfiltersareeasilyoverlooked.Inordertoavoidprematureenginewearandmaintainoptimaloperatingconditions,itisimportanttoregularlyinspectandreplac...
2023-10-12The diesel filter mainly consists of hand oil pump (filter seat), filter components, water level sensor, temperature sensor, heater, sealing ring, pipe joint and other components, ...
2023-10-10The function of an air filter is to filter out suspended particulate matter entering the cylinder air, in order to reduce wear between the cylinder and the piston and piston rings....
2023-10-07The diesel filter shall undergo the following tests in accordance with the ISO4020 standard (Road Vehicles - Test Methods for Fuel Filters for Automotive Diesel Engines).
2023-10-06The function of an oil filter is to filter out harmful impurities in the oil from the oil pan, and provide clean oil to the crankshaft, connecting rods, camshafts, turbochargers, p...
2023-10-05The 134th Autumn Canton Fair will be grandly opened at the Guangzhou Canton Fair Complex from October 15 to 19, 2023. Anhui Meiruier Filter Co., Ltd. will make a new appearance wit...
2023-10-04At present, the filtration efficiency of filters in various countries refers to the percentage of the amount of dust removed by the air filter per unit time compared to the amount ...